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The Red Thread Express
Friday, 10 June 2005
Onto Guangzhou
I'm writing this entry from our room at the Old Victory Hotel in Guangzhou, where we've been for about an hour or so. Let me tell you about the day.

Chongqing was rainy, so our morning was spent basically packing and playing with Liann. It was a good tag team approach, with one person being silly with her, and the other person throwing stuff in suitcases willy-nilly. We visited one of the other families and let Liann play with Erica for awhile; they had all their things neatly stacked in Ziplocs in their suitcase - Greg and I were like, "Wow. . . ."

Then it was checkout time, onto the bus and off to the airport in Chongqing. Liann had many many admirers at the airport, all of whom wanted to pat her hand and tell her "Hello." They like to practice their English, but I got many smiles at my sad attempts to say "Ni Hao."

Once on the airplane, we had about 5 families with babies all sitting in one section in Economy. Greg and I were in a middle row of 4; the man sitting on the end of the row began to look a little agitated and by the end of the first scream from the baby in the row in front of us, he had bailed. Ostensibly to another seat somewhere further back, although Greg swears he ran to the escape hatch.

Liann was just a total dream baby during the flight. Looked all around, never cried at takeoff or landing, danced on my lap and flirted criminally. Greg on the other hand, spilled mulberry juice (PURPLE!)all over the crotch of his shorts, while I tried to contain hysterical giggles like a kid laughing in church (Bad wife)throughout the entire flight, because Greg was NOT finding the humor in it. But oh my goodness it was funny.

So now we are at the Old Victory Hotel (yes, Virginia, there is a New Victory as well). It is bee-yoo-tee-ful. The halls are narrow with these big brass sconces and deep wood doors - it feels like you're in Prague or something; and the rooms are humungous, with views overlooking the river (we're on Shamian Island). All this for $50 a night.

Tomorrow is Liann's medical exam for her via, so SHE should have a fun time.

Posted by heartstringsoh at 9:42 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 11 June 2005 12:28 AM EDT

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