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The Red Thread Express
Thursday, 9 June 2005
Where We Meet Some Pandas
Well, now that the girls have been with us all a couple days, the families are starting to re-emerge from the isolationist shell we’ve all been in while bonding. The differences in all of them are astounding; some of them are beginning to crawl, some to pull to stand. Liann is still stable as a boulder; but she’s discovered she has knees and can bounce, and she gets all happy when she bounces down and comes back up while holding onto one of us.

This morning we went to the zoo where they have not one, but FIVE pandas. Of the five, they all did tricks. Two decided to poop in our general direction, one stood up against his wall, and two rolled around wrestling bamboo branches and eating leaves. They’re remarkably adept.

Sadly, Liann spend most of the time with her eyes at half-mast, bumping her head on Greg and saying in baby, “Must. Stay. Awake. . . Can’t. Miss. Anything.” But sleep won out and she slept in the Baby Bjorn on Greg for a good 45 minutes.

Because she slept this morning, she was NOT interested in having her afternoon nap, so we took her swimming in the pool. She likes to splash. Let’s leave it at that. Then we went a-hunting for a set of computer headphones and speaker so we could attempt to use Net Phone. We’ve had a terrible time with our Pandaphone that we rented, both receiving calls AND calling out. So we’ve been reduced several days to calling on the hotel phone, which is a little pricey. It’s been the only blip in an otherwise perfect trip.

For dinner, we ordered room service with several of the other families and got all the girls together to “play.” Liann, who still is not terribly mobile, sat like an empress watching her court and played with her toys and ate her Cheerios. Memo to self: Must see if Cheerios will pay us for all the product placement we’ve done for them while in China.

Tomorrow we fly to Guangzhou and start the last leg of the trip. Less than a week and we’ll be home with Will.

Posted by heartstringsoh at 8:55 AM EDT

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